Palo Santo

Palo Santo


Palo Santo (AKA Holy Wood) has been used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying, cleansing and protecting. It is said to cleanse a space from any unwanted energies. It is also known for continuing to protect a space for a time after a cleansing.

Palo Santo wood is harvested under government supervision by the natives of the Peruvian jungle. The trees often drop their twigs and branches, and the wood is collected from the ground. No trees are destroyed in the collection of the wood.

Sticks can be lit as is, and will burn for a few seconds to a couple of minutes before extinguishing themselves, filling the air with a sweet warm fragrance.

One 3” to 4” stick is $3- , and will last for many cleansings.

Warning: Not approved by FDA. Sold as a supplement only, and should not replace any prescribed medical treatment

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