Pink Rose petals (dried)
Pink Rose petals (dried)
An Organza bag (3”x4”) full of fragrant dried Pink Rose petals (Not food grade).
Perfect for in drawers, under pillow, in bath, and many other ways you want to incorporate the romantic scent of Roses.
Warning: Not approved by FDA. Sold as a supplement only, and should not replace any prescribed medical treatment
Rose Petals
Scientific Name: Rosa Centifolia
Health: Made into a tea it can help with lowering high blood pressure. Made into a paste it can help speed the healing of wounds; and is also good to apply to skin to reduce sweating. An infusion made from the petals can ease a sore throat, runny nose and congested bronchial tracts. Teas made with are high in vitamin C which is known to boost immunity and quicken recovery times of colds.
Home: Place bags full of rose petals to drawers and closets to give a nice light scent to clothing and linens. Use in a bath with sea salt to relax and soften skin. As a romantic decoration.
Magical: Petals have a high vibration and can be burned (like sage) to cleanse and area while adding a positive vibration. Are useful in spells for manifesting money, wealth, and other material desires. Place dried rose petals in a money poppet or sachet to boost its money-drawing powers. You can also add to witch bottles created for attracting money. An easy way to draw money to you is to sprinkle some dried rose petals into your wallet. Add to fire magic for an added boost of Power.