Clear Quartz Bracelets

Clear Quartz Bracelets

from $10.00

Clear Quartz

Beneficial for:
Physical: A master healer for any condition! Energy enhancement; Enhances muscle testing; Cleansing & enhancing organs; Protects against radiation; Immune system; Soothing burns; Brings body into balance

Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Multi-dimensional cellular memory healing; Efficient receptor for programing; Powerful Shamanic tool & for working Magick; Powerful healing & energy amplifier; Doubles your bio magnetic field when held; Enhances metaphysical abilities & attunes you to your spiritual purpose

Hardness: 7
Zodiac Signs: All
Chakras: Harmonizes All; Aligns the Aura
Number: 4

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Quartz Crystal is the most versatile stone on Earth. It is a "Stone of Light" and can help in spiritual awareness, and can amplify the vividness of dreams. It's a powerful healing and energy amplifier, and can double your bio magnetic field when held. It is a very powerful tool for Shamanic work and for magick, and can enhance your metaphysical abilities and attune you to your spiritual purpose.