Fluorite Bracelets

Fluorite Bracelets

from $10.00


Beneficial for:
Physical: Wrinkles; Blemishes; Dental work; Nerve-related pain; Shingles; Pain relief; Spinal injuries; Rheumatism; Arthritis; Mobilizing joints; Adhesions; Wounds; Ulcers; Sinusitis; Flu; Colds; Respiratory; Skin & mucous membranes; DNA damage; Bones; Cells; Teeth; Infections; Antiviral; Pneumonia; Pleurisy; Emphysema; Bronchitis; Absorption of nutrients

Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Self-confidence; Shyness; Worry; Centering; Psychosomatic diseases; Effective to overcome any form of disorganization; Stress; Cleans/Stabilizes Aura; Effective against Electromagnetic Stress; Draws off negative energies & stress; Incorporates structure into everyday live; Shuts off psychic manipulation & undue mental influences; Dissolves fixed patterns of behavior & brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution; Excellent learning aid, it increases concentration & promotes quick thinking & absorption of new information

Hardness: 4
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn; Pisces
Chakras: Cleans All; Heart (varies according to color)
Number: 9

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Fluorite is a great stone to work with to overcome shyness, stress and worry, and to boost self-confidence. It incorporates structure to everyday life, and overcomes all forms of disorganization. It helps dissolve fixed patterns of behavior, and brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. It shuts off psychic manipulation and negative mental influences.