Beneficial for:
Physical: Thyroid; Parathyroid; Liver; Tooth decay; Nervous system; Osteoporosis; Calcium balance; Calcium deposits; Calcium deficiencies; Metabolic deficiencies; Muscle spasm; Alcoholism
Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Emotional trauma; Worry; Fear; Negative energy; Aggravations; Universal Love; Lets you see both sides; Releases grief; Emotional Balances; Aligns physical body with the Etheric; Protects against Electromagnetic smog
Hardness: 6 – 6.5
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Chakras: Spleen; Solar Plexus; Heart; Connects Higher Heart to Throat
Number: 5
Amazonite helps one with seeing situations from both sides. It helps bring you emotional balance, releasing negative energies and emotional trauma, and drawing Universal Love to you.