

from $3.00


Beneficial for:
Physical: Autism; Exhaustion; Blood pressure; Cramps; Aches; Pain; Insomnia; Liver damage caused be alcohol; Autonomous nervous system dysfunction affecting the heart

Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Auric cleansing; Unconditional Love; Drive; Vigor; Spontaneity; Stress; Worry; Manic depression; Emotional turmoil; Transforming negative energy; Integrating dualities; Links you to your Karma; Brings insightful vision of past lives; Removes mental attachments; Transformational support stone

Hardness: 5
Zodiac Signs: Virgo; Scorpio; Sagittarius
Chakras: Higher crown; Synthesizes Heart & Crown
Number: 7

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Charoite is a great purifier helping one to clear any unwanted energies. Can help one realize (and overcome resistance to) their path of service in this life. Can help to stimulate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, and also synthesizes Heart and Crown Chakras. A must for an Empath as it helps one to clarify the line between own issues and the issues of others.