Lodolite (AKA: Inclusion Quartz; Landscape Quartz; Garden Quartz; Shamanic Quartz; Lodalite; Lodelite)
Beneficial for:
Physical: ADD/ADHD; Aids/HIV; Burns; Cleanse organs; Eyes; Heartburn; Immune system strengthening & support; Kidney; Nerve related pain; Oxygenate Blood helping pancreas, spleen & liver; Pineal gland; Respiratory tract; Speeds recovery in sinusitis, pneumonia, strep, emphysema & ulcers; Thyroids; Vertigo
Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Acceptance & awareness; Access past-lives; Amplifies energy; Cleanses aura, inner soul & environment; Communication & connecting with higher self, spirit guides, Angels/Archangels & Angelic realms; Confidence; Connecting with inner child; Dispels negative thoughts, feelings & energies; Draw loving energy to you; Earth healing; Emotional balance, healing & stabilizing; Enhance ESP; Heals subtle & ethnic bodies; Humility; Increases consciousness harmony & joy; Increase kindness & compassion in relationships; Keeps you grounded, stable, connected & aware; Lucid dreaming; Manifests desires, wealth & abundance; Meditation; Memory; Perseverance; Releases past-life trauma & early childhood memories that may cause fear or stress; Reduces stress/tension; Shamanic healing ; Spiritual awakening & guidance; Stabilize & focus on goals; Transformations; Transmute unwanted energies
Hardness: 7
Zodiac Signs: Scorpio; Aquarius
Chakras: All (realign)
Number: 3
Lodolite is a great stone for communicating and connecting with your higher self, spirit guides, Angels/Archangels, and the Angelic realms. It can help dispel negative thoughts, feelings and energies. It can help with meditation, Lucid Dreaming, ESP, accessing past-lives, Shamanic healing, and Spiritual Awakening. It can help release past-life trauma and negative early childhood memories.