Polychrome Jasper

Polychrome Jasper

from $3.00

Polychrome Jasper

(AKA: Desert Jasper)

Beneficial for:
Physical: Circulatory & Digestive systems; Sexual organs

Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Creativity & Passion; Deepens connection to the Earth; Facilitates a sense of “belonging”; Grounding Stone – promotes balance & stability in life; Helps you to see all sides to a situation; Helps in times of transformation; Self-empowerment; Supporting in times of stress; Use to unblock & remove stagnant energies, & allow the voids left to fill up with loving energy

Hardness: 6.5
Zodiac Signs: Leo
Chakras: Base; Sacral; Solar Plexus
Number: 8

(Was discovered in Madagascar by geologists in 2006 while searching for Ocean Jasper.)

Polychrome Jasper:
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