

from $3.00

 (Stromatolites are conceived to be the oldest fossils identified in the world. Archeologist contemplated Stromatolites occurrence of more than 3.5 billion years. In science, cyanobacteria are
credited to be the construction blocks of life as they have the power to process oxygen along with carbon and nitrogen. Stromatolites, a compact form of bacteria, are the earliest life emergence in nature.)                            

                    Beneficial for :                                                                                                    Physical:
Bone, skin, hair & nail health; Boost immune system; Calm nausea; Cellular growth; Degenerative bone disease; Digestive system; Fertility; Helps mineral absorption; Vitality                     Emotional/Mental/ Metaphysical: Assists healing at an emotional level; Connects one with & draws inspiration from spiritual entities & Earth energy; Create new hope; Draws Angelic energy to you; Feelings of love & compassion; Feeling secure; Financial & spiritual growth/prosperity; Meditation aid; Opens & supports new paths to new beginnings & reaching goals; Past life recall; Removes blockages from Meridians & chakras; Stress support; Transformation

Hardness: 4-7                                      

Zodiac: Aries ; Virgo                      

 Chakras: Root & Heart  (aligns all)      

Number: 1 ; 8                 

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