Turritella Agate

Turritella Agate

from $3.00

Turritella Agate

  A variety of Chalcedony. Is a deep brown or black, and recognized by the fossilized snail patterns within the stone. Found in Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA.

Beneficial for:
Physical: Help eliminate fatigue; Help the absorption of nutrients; Beneficial to problems relating to aging, digestion, gastroenteritis, & pain from gallstones; Soothes skin rashes & lesions from insect bites; Reduce symptoms of epilepsy; Increases chances of success with IVF, artificial insemination, & other fertility treatments.

Emotional/Mental/Metaphysical: Guards against sleepwalking; Personal connection to one’s ancestry; Record Keeper stone – good for past life recall; A traveler’s stone good to protect from danger, alleviates fears, & keeps the connection to home; Good to keep in car to prevent accidents; Promotes inner stability, composure, maturity, & self-confidence; Beneficial in self-analysis; Dissolves negative thoughts; Encourages balance during transitional times; Can unlock deep-seated traumas manifesting as physical symptoms or phobias; Stabilizes the aura, eliminating & transforming negative energies; Grounding stone; Helps you connect to nature; Raises awareness

Hardness: 6-7
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius
Chakras: Root
Number: 7 & 8

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